Sunday, March 23, 2008

I love a lazy Sunday morning. Usually, I drink an extra cup of coffee, catch up on my knitting journal and see what's new on the Internet. This particular morning I remembered that it was about time for the new issue of to be up and sure enough it was. There were many wonderful new patterns there and I saw a great scarf by Veronik Avery- I love her designs and since I have yet to knit one of her patterns this looked like an excellent pattern to start with. I went immediately to my stash looking for that nice hank of fine purple silk I bought at the Weaving Works in Seattle last month. We have a comfortable old chair and footstool sitting right next to the stash area. Dora, the female Beagle likes to sit in that chair and snooze while I peck away at the computer. As I passed the chair I saw something furry nestled in the corner of the cushion. A Dora toy? I take a closer look and .... it's a baby rabbit head! Nothing more, just the head! Quite an eye opener on a lazy Easter morning!

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