Sunday, April 20, 2008

I finished Kiri shawl #2. She's so pretty! She had a little rinse last night and then I stretched her out in the corner of my living room rug using yarn blocking needles I got at my LYS. The yarn blockers work really well, BTW. I knit this Kiri using some beautiful Italian wool my mother found at a garage sale. The yarn is a mysterious brown, you can seen the yellow and green in the fibers, it's very interesting - M.R. even commented on the color and he doesn't notice anything.

Last night I started a Traditional Danish Tie-Shawl from the most recent issue of Spin-Off. I am using some yarn that was given to me back in 1996 by our friend's Steve's Aunt Mary. The yarn is called "Candide" - it's 100% wool, singles - not a glamourous yarn, it reminds me of Condon's yarn that we used to order from Canada in the 70's and 80's. Aunt Mary gave me quite a bit of this yarn and I've used it in the past to make felt handbags. It's very handspun like and I think it will make a good first run of this shawl. I see myself wearing this shawl as I a putz around the garden. The whole premise is a double increase that creates extra long ties that are used to tie the shawl in the back leaving your hands free to work. The article shows different variations of the shawl and one of the variations has a Lily of the Valley border, I did a little research this morning and at this moment I believe Traditional Danish Tie-Shawl #2 will have a Lily of the Valley border.

I can't believe it's snowing! Last weekend it was 75 degrees! This has been s a good weekend to stay inside and catch up on loose ends. I mended a crocheted tablecloth with intentions of using it as curtain in the upstairs bathroom and am chipping away on Quarterly taxes. Later today I'll visit an old friend. Last night I watched "Across the Universe"- loved it!

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